In their excellent briefing paper Coronavirus: Health care and human rights of people in prison, Penal Reform International recommend that
during the crisis “Criminal justice systems must adapt the way they operate to
prevent doing harm”.
Much of the discussion so far in the UK has been about
whether to postpone trials to reduce risk of disease among those involved; and
how to protect people in prison from transmission.
On court hearings, the government have decided that Crown
Court trials expected to last more than three days will not commence, and more
cases will be heard remotely using video technology. On prisons, the government
are looking to increase the numbers of prisoners eligible for release on Home
Detention Curfew. While both seem sensible measures, they don’t go far enough
and in the case of early release don’t address the fact that far too many
prisoners have nowhere suitable to go if and when freed.
What’s needed is a systematic approach which looks to
reduce demand on the system as a whole allowing it to focus on its core priorities. For police and prosecutors this means diverting many more minor cases away from
the courts.
Many Police Forces have recently moved to a two-tier approach
of Community Resolutions and Conditional Cautions but in the current crisis the
full range of options – simple cautions, fixed penalty notices, drug warnings –
should once again be made available. In 2018
almost half a million court convictions resulted in low level penalties such as
fines or discharges. Many of these could have been dealt with through out of
court disposals. The CPS is supposed to prosecute only where it is in the public interest to
do so. Given what the public interest currently demands, prosecutors should
ensure that out of court disposals have been fully considered before agreeing to take
a case to court.
Where prosecution is unavoidable, steps need to be taken to
reduce custodial remands to a minimum. In 2017, of those who were remanded in
custody pending trial or sentence in magistrates' courts, 58% did not go on to be sentenced
to prison - over 13,000 people – and more
than one-quarter of people remanded in custody in the Crown Court did not
receive a custodial sentence. Without action, postponing Crown court hearings could lead to an increase in
the number detained awaiting trial. Bail, with or without conditions (including
electronic monitoring) needs to be encouraged wherever possible as an alternative.
At the end of last month, Wormwood Scrubs in West London held 1053 prisoners, not only well over its uncrowded capacity, but unusually, more
than its operational capacity -the total it can hold taking into account
control, security & the proper operation of the planned regime. A quarter
of its population are on remand- increasing that number just now would be
As for sentencing, courts should be encouraged by the
Sentencing Council to suspend prison sentences as much as possible. If unsuspended
imprisonment is deemed necessary, convicted persons who have been on bail before court should be permitted to defer their custodial term for six months. Probation staff should be encouraged to recall
people on licence to prison only when they present a risk to the public.
This kind of demand reduction strategy is arguably sensible
at the best of times but looks essential over the coming months. There are ministers in the government who straddle
the Home Office and Ministry of Justice. They together with the Law officers
and Judiciary need to get on and implement it.
And absolutely no mention of the impingement on what’s left of Probation Services....